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Sign Our Guestbook!! Name: Joanna Koford Website: From: California Time: 2007-08-20 16:39:12 Comments: You Guys ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Dad! You're the Best!!
Name: Butch Hall Website: From: San juan Capistrano, Calif Time: 2007-05-30 10:44:29 Comments: Heard from friends you rock like the black dogs of old
Name: Stanford Redisch Website: From: Long Beach, Ca. Time: 2007-04-30 13:07:43 Comments: I sent a DVD to the Long Beach Grand Prix. Tecate Beer would of have a fun time with the band and playing the 'Star Spangled Banner'!
Name: spencer Website: From: sacramento Time: 2007-04-23 17:15:20 Comments: i played a christmas parade with you guys a couple of years ago and i would like to come back. please contact me at spenziz5150@gmail.com
Name: hengank malone Website: From: el centro, ca. Time: 2007-04-09 16:16:29 Comments: hey there rufus!!! you guys gonna
make it up to the MVID parade on
sun. 7/1/07 in graeagle? hope to
see you there!! brews at the firehouse afterwards!!!
Name: Brian Website: From: Chicago Time: 2007-03-18 12:33:46 Comments: I think you guys are awesome, it's really nice to see a themed band that not only palys but has fun with what they do as well. I hope you all keep the band going, it's definitely a unique thing and really special in its own way. Best of luck to everyone,
Name: Merrill Sellers Website: From: sacto Time: 2007-02-09 13:38:08 Comments: I'm looking for and old vietnam buddy. His name was Bill Grigsby and he was from sacto as was I. He was an rto for awhile with the 25th div. I was with the 27th inf wolfhounds and Bill would go on sweeps with our unit at times. If you know of this veteran, please get in touch with me.
Name: Kimiko Griffin Website: From: Sacramento, California Time: 2006-12-05 10:54:26 Comments: You guys were great! ~ I saw you at Sacramento's Annual Christmas parade. Your band certainly brought alot of fun & laughter to my day! You guys are very talented! Thanks for being you & Happy holidays!
Name: Will Jamieson Website: From: Indiana Time: 2006-12-04 14:36:07 Comments: Hi! I am a high school tuba player from Indiana and my baritone player friend and I happened to stumble upon your website. We both agree that you guys are hilarious. We would love to see one of your preformances, or some of the music you play from for our own high school band, possibly. We love your arrangement of the Beer Barrel Polka. We would love to join your band, but being so far away makes it pretty much impossible. Anyway, thanks for playing!
Name: Nitasha Website: From: Time: 2006-11-12 01:00:55 Comments: Autumn started a trend, i decided to follow. it WAS nice meeting y'all today :P i go for ophir! rock on! haha... thanks again for the beverages and pins!
? Nitasha
Name: Autumn Website: From: Davis Time: 2006-11-11 23:15:24 Comments: You guys rocked the parade!! It was nice meeting you. Thanks for the refreshments!
Name: Haley Website: From: Davis, CA Time: 2006-11-11 17:04:28 Comments: Thanks for the frosty beverage!
Name: cagy Website: From: Ophir Prison Time: 2006-06-12 12:33:56 Comments: "Beer-swilling sousaphone player"!?! You mean there's another kind?
Name: Del Pring Website: From: Chelmsford. UK. Time: 2006-06-02 02:49:46 Comments: Hero's all ! From another UK beer swilling sousaphone player.
Name: Larry, Patti & Sarah Anderson Website: From: Antelope, CA Time: 2006-05-31 11:06:09 Comments: Can't get enought of your zaniness! Buying the DVD so we can watch you all year long. See you next year at the Sac Jazz Jubilee.
Name: chris lonsway Website: From: sacramento CA Time: 2006-05-29 18:01:03 Comments: Hey, i just saw you guy play this weekend at the jazz festival. I saw you 4 times. I even caught one of your ducks! It was fun. I hope i see you again next year!
Name: Phranque Website: From: Sacramento Time: 2006-05-21 12:26:53 Comments: Looking forward to seeing you at the Jazz Festival.
Name: Chuck guire Website: From: Denver CO Time: 2006-03-18 17:39:08 Comments: I love your fun music. I plan to be at the Sac jazz fest this May.
I will try to talk with you all.
Can't wait.
Try to come to Denver some time.
I am not a concert promorter, but would know , If, you all would give it a try, it would sell.
Your loving friend--Charile
Name: Sharon & Ken Ruiz Website: From: Fresno Time: 2006-01-31 18:57:59 Comments: We usually catch you at Old Town Sacramento Jazz Festival. Love every minute of your madness!! Hope to be there this year. We are going to be there for St. Pat's Parade, too. TTFN
Name: hengank malone Website: From: el centro, ca. Time: 2006-01-23 16:48:52 Comments: hey..are you guys gonna be up at the
MVID celebration in graeagle this coming summer? i think the parade is
gonna be on sun. 7/2/06. i haven't been up there since 2003. hope i make it up there this year and hope to see
you there!!